Standard Output
Standard Error
Opening the developer console causes severe slowdowns!


Paste code into the left editor or select an example from the drop down, then click the run button. Once compiled the render will show on the right-side canvas. Any errors will be shown in the "Standard Error" details pane, which automatically expands on errors. Compile times should be less than 5s. The 'Render Texture' example takes a bit longer (10s) because it's a larger sample. The following variables come predefined when the code is loaded:

canvas : Dom_html.canvasElement Js.t
A reference to the drawing canvas DOM element.

create_webgl_ctx : 'a Js.t -> WebGL.renderingContext Js.t
A helper function that creates a WebGL context from the canvas using the passed in parameters, use the
object%js end
syntax to create the object. See samples for an example.